Jurity Ákos (Ákos) sereglistája
Alba Regia Bajnokai, Székesfehérvár


1ArchmageLevel 4, Metal, Folaraith’s Robe, Dispell Scroll, Obsidian Amulett355 pont
1NobleGreat Eagle, BSB, Great Weapon, Dragon Armour, Shield, Helm of Fortune, The Other Trickest Shard, Seeds of Reebirth226 pont
24 First SpearelvesFCG, Gleaming Pendant246 pont
19 Archersmusician214 pont
19 Archersmusician214 pont
24 White LionsFCG, Banner of Switness, Ironcurse Icon410 pont
24 White LionsFCG, Banner of Ethernal Flame, Amulet of Light415 pont
10 Phoenix GuardStandard, Musician, Banner of Sorcery218 pont
1Great Eagle50 pont
1Great Eagle50 pont
1Great Eagle50 pont
1Great Eagle50 pont
Total: 2498